Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wheel of fortune

The wheel of fortune is full of symbols, not unlike the lovers card.  It shows the four fixed astrological signs Aquarius (the angel), Scorpio (the falcon), Taurus (the bull), and Leo (the lion).  These four signs are very different, but all possess the ability to find stability and strength and in this car each holds the torch a symbol of wisdom.  The wheel itself has Hebrew letters written on it that represent god.  There are other symbols we could discuss, but for the sake of convenience we will stick with what I have explained because I feel it gives enough foresight into the lesson behind the card.  The message is simple but so powerful, life moves in cycles and we must face the changes of life with strength. If the wheel of fortune appears in your spread you must remember that things will not always be the same.  In the upright this card suggests that things my begin to move in your favor or at least change drastically.  In the reverse it suggests the opposite, that things my begin to take  turn for the worst and you must accept your lack of control.  In either case it is important to remember how much life changes a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  Chin up, things wont always be this way.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

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