Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Devil

Image result for the devil tarot
So here we are finally, the devil card.  Lets just be honest; nobody likes this card.  The card shows a creature that is half man and half goat. Because goats were seen as an "unclean" animal, this shows us that the figure is seen in a negative light.  Also the goat is where the term "scapegoat" came from which is the person or thing we like to blame our problems on.  The creature also has bat wings that represent the ability to suck us dry of our life force.  Looking at the card we could easily assume that the devil represents someone or something terrible in our lives, but truthfully it represents the darker sides of ourselves.  It is closely tied to addictions in all forms.  If you look at the two figures who are chained to him closely, you realize they could easily get away.  The devil represents our ability to trap ourselves in our own bad habits and give into our own animalistic tendencies.  If the devil card appears in your spread it is time to really examine how you are limiting yourself and causing yourself to be constrained.  It may be time to seek more balance and remember the lessons of temperance.  In the reverse, the devil shows you are understanding these constraints and beginning to break free.

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