Sunday, April 23, 2017

The world

Image result for the world tarotThis is it.  The end of the fools journey. He has triumphed over pain and chaos as well as enjoying the beauty and hope that came to him after the storm that followed these triumphs.  He has overcome aspects of himself and learned the many lessons of life. The world card shows a women surrounded by the same four fixed zodiac signs (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio).  The women is rejoicing because she has finished one journey and is awaiting the next. You have finally reached the finish line and are ready to reap the rewards of your actions.  Celebrate how far you have come!  This card also represents a need to be a apart of the outside world and contribute something to it.  Get ready for a whole new world of possibilities.  In the reverse this card represents that you are trying to find completion or closure in something but cannot.  Do not give up!

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Image result for judgement tarotThe judgement card shows the archangel Michael shining down upon men, women, and children rising from their graves.  It refers to the biblical texts of the judgement day in which it is decided what our individual eternal fate will be (Heaven or hell).  The mountains represent our struggles and the ocean represents the end of the river in the empress card.  The judgement card shows us the ultimate truths of ourselves and our lives are appearing. How are you living your life?  What pitfalls are we falling into?  The judgement card can show us that we have realized we can create a greater and more purposeful life.  Judgment is about cleaning away the past so you can finally move forward.  It isn't about making a choice, but coming to a place of acceptance in your lack of choice.  In the reverse it can show a sense of doubt and lack of necessary decision making.  Take some time to sort through your thoughts and find the root of your problems

The sun

Image result for the sun tarotThe sun is a card of love, life, and luck.  The card shows a naked young child riding a white horse surrounded by sunflowers.  He is open and free in his innocent love of having fun.  The sun represents success, positivity, strength, and confidence.  The light that shines through you will lead the way to greatness.  After difficult times, you have finally found happiness and purpose again.  The sun card encourages us to enjoy this higher state of being and enjoy the feeling of freedom.  Everything is going well for you, have fun!  Reversed, the sun could mean that you are in a negative place and are finding it hard to see the light or it could mean you are being over idealistic.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The moon

The moon card is the eighteenth major arcana card.  It represents our intuition, subconscious mind, hidden fears, and dreams.  There are crayfish and wild dogs by a pond; they represent the darker animalistic sides of ourselves.  The water is a symbol for the subconscious mind and is often tied to emotions.  After all the moon card is represented by the astrological Pisces, which is a water sign.  Water signs are known as being the most intuitive and emotionally guided signs in the zodiac.  Pisces is commonly regarded as the most spiritually connected and intuitive of all twelve signs.  The moon represents our shadow side and our ability to project fears and insecurity.  If we pull the card we must go deep within and face our repressed self.  What are you hiding from?  Maybe the monster you are hiding from is you.  The moon is a card of personal delusions and uncertainty.  At this time life may appear foggy and only through clarity and honesty can you decipher the truth.  Look within and you will find the answers.  If the card comes in the reverse it could mean you are coming out of a period of self deception but you are still experiencing some confusion.  Believe in yourself and listen to your inner voice.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Star

The Star card shows a naked women at the edge of a pool with two water jugs.  She pours it onto the grass beside her and into the pool.  One of her feet is on the ground and the other is in the pool of water showing she has a balance between practicality and intuition.  There are eight stars behind her with one being larger than the seven others.  These stars represent our seven chakras (energy centers in the body).  The card is correlated to the astrological sign of Aquarius which is connected to networking, humanitarianism, and our higher aspirations and dreams.  This card is a beacon of hope.  You have endured the hardships life has placed in front of you, and now if you have enough faith you can create a beautiful future.  Let go of the negativity, forgive others, and move forward.  It is time to rediscover yourself and your sense of meaning and purpose and pass a piece of this on with others.  In the reverse this card suggests a lack of inspiration, hope, and instead a sense of despair.  Focus on finding what is blocking you and work through it.

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Tower

Image result for the towerI'm not even going to lie, I hate the tower card.  The tower card shows a tall tower perched upon a mountain.  It is being stuck by lightening as people fall (or jump) from it in fear and desperation.  It is a card representing destruction in the physical world or the disintegration of false foundations.  In order to truly build something strong, the existing tower must be burnt to ashes.  Something is going to shake you and force you to see the truth you have avoided.  If you have not unchained yourself from the energies of the devil card, the universe is going to force you to see the light and it may sting.  Maybe you think everything is just fine, but if you pull this card you will soon understand just how twisted things have become due to your own misunderstanding.  This is a card of chaos and fear, but there is a greater purpose behind this in the end.  There could be any number of problems involving death, illness, breakups or losing your job.  It's ok however, because when the tower falls you have the opportunity to build a castle.  Like the death card, this card tells us it is time to let the limiting things in our life go including the what is limiting within our own self.  Prepare to become a stronger person, because you will go through great pain in order to build a better life in the long run.  In the reverse, this card shows that you are avoiding this destruction, but you know it would benefit you and that you will eventually need to face it.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Devil

Image result for the devil tarot
So here we are finally, the devil card.  Lets just be honest; nobody likes this card.  The card shows a creature that is half man and half goat. Because goats were seen as an "unclean" animal, this shows us that the figure is seen in a negative light.  Also the goat is where the term "scapegoat" came from which is the person or thing we like to blame our problems on.  The creature also has bat wings that represent the ability to suck us dry of our life force.  Looking at the card we could easily assume that the devil represents someone or something terrible in our lives, but truthfully it represents the darker sides of ourselves.  It is closely tied to addictions in all forms.  If you look at the two figures who are chained to him closely, you realize they could easily get away.  The devil represents our ability to trap ourselves in our own bad habits and give into our own animalistic tendencies.  If the devil card appears in your spread it is time to really examine how you are limiting yourself and causing yourself to be constrained.  It may be time to seek more balance and remember the lessons of temperance.  In the reverse, the devil shows you are understanding these constraints and beginning to break free.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Image result for temperance
Temperance is a breath of fresh air after the heavy and powerful energy of the death card.  The card shows an angel holding two cups.  The angel is known as being a hermaphrodite representing a balance between two genders.  The cups he holds represents balancing the conscious and unconscious mind.  The angel touches her toe in the stream before, not ready to completely dive in until she decides it is the right time.  The temperance card is represented by the astrological sign Sagittarius which rules over the ninth house of higher knowledge, truth, spiritual beliefs, and tolerance.  This cards meaning is clear, it tells us to strive for balance in our lives.  Resisting the urge to go to extremes and cultivating a place of inner peace is crucial now.  It also shows that we have a long term vision, and that we will patiently work day by day to cultivate it.  In the reverse this card shows for some reason you are being rash and unbalanced.  It could be because you cannot see your future or "the light at the end of the tunnel".  Find the reason behind this lack of stability in your life and solve it if you can

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Image result for death tarot
Death.  We all know it and we all fear it, so of course see this card is seen in a negative light.  This interpretation is misguided because the death card is not a card of pain, it is a card of powerful transformation in our lives.  The card shows death (the skeleton) wearing unbreakable armor and riding on a white horse waving a black and white flag.  The color of black signifies an absence of light and all that the light represents, while the white represents rebirth and purity.  At death feet there are children, women, and men; nobody is immune.  The sun in the background shows the cyclical nature of life in it's times of light and darkness.  This card is linked to the sign of Scorpio which is known to be connected with sex, death, deep intimate relationships, and emotional and spiritual transformations.  Scorpio is ruled by pluto the planet of transformation and renewal; the taking away of what does not work so that something better can be created.  That is what this card is, it shows that your life is going to change and you may be left with only a skeleton of the life you had before.  Remember however, when you take away something that is unbeneficial you make room for something better to come in.  If you find this card in the upright it is time to accept these changes and weed out what must be weeded out.  You may find that soon your life is unrecognizable, but for the better.  This could be the end to the drama, chaos, delay and negativity you have experienced.  Congratulations, you are now ready for a new chapter.  In the reverse this card shows you are resisting a necessary change and holding on tightly to the past.

Monday, April 10, 2017

The hanged man

Image result for the hanged man The hanged man is the twelfth major arcana card of the tarot deck.  Some may consider this card to be very reminiscent of the hermit card. He represents a time of deep inner reflection that leaves us temporarily suspended.  I usually associate this card with mercury retrograde; a time when we are forced to inwardly reflect so we can choose a better direction.  Also during mercury retrograde, we may experience communication breakdowns, issues in transportation and technology, and a general sense of stagnation and delay.  That is the nature of this card, it indicates a fork in the road that is inevitablely good.  The hanged man hangs upside down from a tree with a placid expression on his face and a halo around him.  He reminds us of the importance of meditation and stillness, and of spirituality in general.  Interestingly enough, he is representative of the planet Neptune which rules over pisces.  The hermit card is thought to be connected to the opposite sign of pisces which is virgo. No matter how many differences these two signs share, they are both the most spiritual signs of the zodiac. So in short, if you pull this card then you are called to reflect and find a more meaningful purpose even if it means putting your material life on the sidelines for a while.  However in the reverse this card shows that you wish to move forward but find yourself stuck.  There may be something you need to let go of or make a sacrifice for in order to do so.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Image result for justice tarotJustice is the eleventh major arcana card and she is represented by the astrological sign of Libra.  She holds a double edged sword and a scale.  The scale represents balance, while the double edged sword represents being untouched by emotion or opinion.  This figure is concerned with a straight forward fairness that is based on logic.  Still the figure is nothing if not compassionate.  The justice card is about getting what you "deserve".  If you pull this card it means that good things will likely come your way if you have been good.  Think of him like a Santa Clause figure.  The universe knows when you've been bad or good so be good... for your own sake if nothing else.  In the reverse this card could mean you have been acting unfairly and you are going to get what you deserve or that you are avoiding admitting that maybe you haven't been "in the right".  This card could be wonderful! or terrifying.  Kind of like Libras.  I mean have you met an angry libra before?!  Justice is a dish best served cold as ice.  Watch yourself.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

Wheel of fortune

The wheel of fortune is full of symbols, not unlike the lovers card.  It shows the four fixed astrological signs Aquarius (the angel), Scorpio (the falcon), Taurus (the bull), and Leo (the lion).  These four signs are very different, but all possess the ability to find stability and strength and in this car each holds the torch a symbol of wisdom.  The wheel itself has Hebrew letters written on it that represent god.  There are other symbols we could discuss, but for the sake of convenience we will stick with what I have explained because I feel it gives enough foresight into the lesson behind the card.  The message is simple but so powerful, life moves in cycles and we must face the changes of life with strength. If the wheel of fortune appears in your spread you must remember that things will not always be the same.  In the upright this card suggests that things my begin to move in your favor or at least change drastically.  In the reverse it suggests the opposite, that things my begin to take  turn for the worst and you must accept your lack of control.  In either case it is important to remember how much life changes a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  Chin up, things wont always be this way.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.