Friday, May 19, 2017

Dream analysis #2: The desire to see

This is the first dream I can remember.  People often don't believe me when I tell them this dream, especially when I tell them I had it at five years old.  My family, my neighbors, and everyone I know are lined up.  There is a line of tables with cardboard boxes.  The people "in charge" (my five year old conception of the government or adults?) are standing at these tables.  I ask my parents, "What is happening?" but they don't respond.  As I get closer to the table I am horrified.  My mother takes out her own eyes and places them in the box.  She tells me she is sorry and not to be afraid.  In panic and rage I steal the box of eyeballs and I run.  Some people follow me.  I am in a golden field and I give the people their eyes back.  We run free.

There are several archetypes that can be pulled from this dream.  To begin with, the people in line are obviously powerless victims.  They have no boundaries and submit to those in power easily.  They have no will and act as slaves.  The people in power are vampires that feed on the people who are now blind.  They are the definition of dictators.  I am neither of these things.  I am the avenger, the guide, the hero, the knight, the liberator, the rebel, the rescuer, the warrior, and the child.  There are shadow sides to all these archetypes, but they are not portrayed in the dream.  The dream is about overcoming powerlessness and delusion and finding freedom and strength, perhaps from both self and others.  It is the realization that you always have a choice, even if people make you feel like you do not.  There is no need to control the people or receive anything from them, I just genuinely want us to have freedom of choice and be allowed to seek the truth as we see it.

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