Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The High Priestess

High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings tarot card meaning

The High Priestess is the second major arcana card.  It shows a woman in a blue robe, a crown, and a cross with the Torah in her hand.  She sits between two pillars (one is black and one is white) and a moon at her feet.  She is the symbol of intuition and hidden knowledge (like the occult).  The moon at her feet represents emotion and the subconscious which suggests that she has power over these areas.  When this card appears in a spread, it is a call to follow your intuition whether it is upright or reversed.  Additionally it shows a powerful female figure and for a woman it could suggest you need to seek empowerment.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

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