Monday, January 30, 2017

The Hierophant

Image result for hierophant

The Hierophant is the fifth major arcana card.  He is the male equivalent to the High Priestess.  He is seen in a red robe and a triple crown showing him to be powerful.  He is a traditional religious symbol as you can by the crosses on his robe. He is similar to the magician except he uses his power through religion and society.  He represents an entry into a group or organization.  When the hierophant appears in a spread it is a call to stay within the already acceptable way of doing things as this card represents tradition.  It could also indicate a desire to join or fit into a group setting. The hierophant is a wise guide for others so you may be dealing with a wise person in your life who is helping to guide you.  If the card is reversed however, it may reflect a need to get away from the restrictions of an orthodox society and break free.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The emporer

Image result for the emperor card

The Emperor is the Fourth major arcana card of the tarot deck.  If the Empress is a symbol of femininity, the Emperor is the symbol of masculinity.  The ram heads on his chair represent the astrological sign of Aries which is ruled by Mars the planet of passion, anger, and war.  Notice that Mars is the opposite of Venus, the ruling planet of the empress.  The Emperor wears a white beard showing that he is old and experienced; this could suggest that he is wise.  He is like a fatherly figure and he represents security, stability, and the ability to make plans a reality.  If this card comes up in a reading, it may mean you yourself have taken on the traits described and have the willpower to make your dreams reality but you should be careful to use your head.  When this card is reversed it could mean that you are overusing power or have a problem with other authority figures, as well as general relationship problems or lack of self control.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The empress

3 The Empress

The empress is the third major arcana card.  She is ruled by Venus as you can see by the heart with a Venus symbol by her feet.  Her dress has pomegranate as a symbol for fertility and the nature around her also show this theme.  As she is ruled by Venus, she represents all things that Venus represents such as beauty, love, femininity, creativity, and motherhood.  When the empress card comes up in your reading it may mean you or someone close to you is pregnant, but it can just as easily mean that you need to connect with your feminine side.  Since this card represents a feeling of growth and abundance, if the card is reversed it can represent a feeling of lack especially in correspondence to creativity, personal power, or good relationships.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The High Priestess

High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings tarot card meaning

The High Priestess is the second major arcana card.  It shows a woman in a blue robe, a crown, and a cross with the Torah in her hand.  She sits between two pillars (one is black and one is white) and a moon at her feet.  She is the symbol of intuition and hidden knowledge (like the occult).  The moon at her feet represents emotion and the subconscious which suggests that she has power over these areas.  When this card appears in a spread, it is a call to follow your intuition whether it is upright or reversed.  Additionally it shows a powerful female figure and for a woman it could suggest you need to seek empowerment.

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

Monday, January 16, 2017

The magician

Image result for the magician tarot

The magician card is a major arcana card like the fool card.  It shows a robed young man with an infinity sign  above his head and a wand raised in his right hand.  On a table in front of him there is a pentacle, cup, sword, and wand which happen to be the four suits of the minor arcana cards.  Just from looking at the card, you can easily tell that he holds power.  What this power really represents is spirituality.  He is taking the power he gets from the spirit world and uses it in the physical world.  This card is about manifestation of desires.  Essentially if you pull this card, it symbolizes that you have the power to act like a magician and change your reality.  It is a very positive card, but when reversed it can represent manipulation, confusion, and lies.  You may be acting in an untrustworthy way or someone around you could be.  It can also represent confusion and not knowing what direction to take to get what you want.
Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.

The Fool

Image result for the fool tarot
 The fool is probably the most well known tarot card.  Even people who have never learned anything about tarot cards may be familiar with the above image.  The meaning of the card seems self explanatory; it shows a young man carelessly walking forward in the sun with arms open towards the edge of a cliff.  With the title, "the fool", we may be quick to assume there is a negative meaning behind the card, but this is not necessarily true. The man is walking forward in full trust that he will not fall off the edge.  He represents the need to be brave and embark on a new journey and have faith that you will succeed.  On the flip side, this card can also represent someone who is overly naïve if it is seen in reverse (upside down).

Waite, Arthur Edward. The pictorial key to the tarot. England: Dodo Press, 2008. Print.