Monday, July 10, 2017

Six of Pentacles

Image result for six of pentacles
The six of pentacles shows a man with a scale in his hand as he gives money to poor beggars at his feet.  It represents harmony in your finances, the same amount of money that goes out comes in.  It could represent that you are giving to a charity (or a charitable person) or receiving from it.  You may let someone borrow money, but this could also be about giving your time and energy to others.  In the reverse this card shows a lack of reciprocation, or selfishly giving or receiving.  Are you being greedy or selfish? Are you being egotistical when giving to others?  There is a lack of balance that you need to work on.

Five of pentacles

Image result for five of pentaclesThe five of pentacles shows two people in squalor walking past a church.  It is a signifier of poverty and financial loss.  This card is not only about a loss in the material world, but a sense of lack in your emotional and spiritual life.  The loss of wealth forces you to take a look at your self esteem issues and self worth.  This card can also indicate a feeling of being left out in the cold and abandoned.  You may feel you are in need of help from your loved ones.  In the reverse this can suggest a sense of coming out of poverty and hard times.

Four of pentacles

Image result for four of pentacles The four of Pentacles shows a man protecting his four coins, unable to let go or move forward in fear that he will lose them.  This card shows you have acquired many things that you are proud of, but also that you could be acting possessive and greedy. You may be financially secure, but you must remember not to value money above the other important aspects of life.  Learn to let go of some of your control so you do not confine yourself to stagnation.  In the reverse, this card can mean this conservatism and control in regards to finances is taken to the extreme.  It's definitely a time to take a risk so you can stop living in stagnation.

Three of pentacles

Image result for three of pentaclesThe three of pentacles shows a young man speaking to two more experienced people about the plans for building a cathedral.  This is a card of collaboration and the beginning of a goal becoming concrete.  It carries an encouraging message that through hard work you can almost definitely achieve your goals.  Planning and getting help from others will help you make your dreams a reality.  In the reverse it may suggest a lack of teamwork and a need to break away from your current group or collaborators.  You may feel you want to find a new job entirely.

Two of Pentacles

Image result for two of pentaclesThe two of pentacles shows a man juggling two coins as a wave crashes behind him.  This card is about balance and knowing how to prioritize in your life.  You must balance your financial and professional life with your social and romantic life.  Do what you need to do on a daily basis, but make sure you remember what is important to you and make the time for it.  Overall, its important to be flexible and balanced in your life without jumping to one extreme in life.  In the reverse, this shows a lack of time management and being too busy to make time for your loved ones.

Ace of Pentacles

Image result for ace of pentaclesThe Ace of Pentacles shows a large hand coming through the sky with a large coin above a beautiful garden.  Like all aces it signifies a new start or beginning, but specifically in the earthy material realm (specifically work and finances). It shows you are coming into a time of stability and manifesting your dreams.  In the reverse, the ace of pentacles shows a lack of opportunity or financial abundance.  You need to plan more carefully if you want to be successfully.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Ten of wands

Image result for ten of wandsThe ten of wands shows a man struggling to carry the weigh of ten staphs to a nearby town.  He has already gathered the fruits of his labor and must fight to bring them to the outside world.  It suggests great achievement and the completion of a cycle, but also the burdens that come along with it.  This card reminds us of the impact of our work and our participation in the outside world has on us.  It is a reminder to slow down and examine what we really want in life.  In the reverse, this card suggests letting go of unnecessary burdens or dropping responsibility.